Monday, July 11, 2005

The Power of Prayer

Yesterday morning, when I was directing Imagination Theatre at Fellowship's Alliance campus, the host's mic and the second puppeteer's mic weren't working. With about thirty minutes until show time, I was beginning to become anxious. We quickly got the tech guys from main stage to come look at the audio equipment. After looking at everything for about fifteen minutes, we were told that they were going to try a new mic cord. Five minutes later when the mic cord showed up, the tech people were still unable to fix the problems.

After we thanked the media people for their help, I sat down, closed my eyes, and prayed. I asked God that He would provide a way for the show to go on. I asked Him to make it work so that we could teach the children about Him. After my prayer, I jumped up, looked at the sound board, pressed a couple of buttons (I'm not media person mind you) and spoke into the mic. To the amazement of everyone, the mic started working.

When asked what made it work, I told everyone that I had prayed asking God to fix it. I put all my faith in God and His power and left it up to Him. Many times, we underestimate the power of prayer. We end up praying these half-hearted prayers that we don't even have faith in.

Philippians 4:6 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

The show went on, and the verse that we taught the kids turned out to be Philippians 4:6. I'd like to say that this verse was ironically the verse we taught the kids, but I know that God used it for a reason. It was no coincidence, God had provided just like I requested. It is really easy to worry in a world where dependability is scarce, but we must remember to present our requests to God. There is nothing too small, or too large, that cannot be brought to Him.

Do you talk with God during the day? Do you thank Him for all He does? Don't forget the miraculous power of prayer. Build your spiritual bond with God by going to Him in prayer with everything. After all, the best way to strengthen a relationship is by communicating.


Anonymous said...


Rusty said...

Nice one, man. This is exactly what I needed today. :-)

Anonymous said...

Awesome Post! Prayer is one of the best works of faith. Thanks for sharing this one. I've linked it to my blog.